
carry over
1. transfer or persist from one stage or sphere of activity to another (Freq. 4)
Derivationally related forms: ↑carry-over
Hypernyms: ↑prevail, ↑persist, ↑die hard, ↑run, ↑endure
Verb Frames:

Something ——s

2. transport from one place or state to another (Freq. 2)

Adam would have been carried over into the life eternal

Hypernyms: ↑transport
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s somebody


Something ——s somebody


Something ——s something

3. hold over goods to be sold for the next season
Syn: ↑hold over
Hypernyms: ↑keep, ↑hold on
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something

4. transfer from one time period to the next
Syn: ↑carry forward
Topics: ↑accountancy, ↑accounting
Hypernyms: ↑transfer, ↑shift
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something

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extend beyond the normal or original area of application

his artistic practice is clearly carrying over into his social thought

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carry over [phrasal verb]
1 : to continue to exist or be seen in another place or situation

His unhappiness at home carried over into/to his work.

Her abilities in singing didn't carry over to acting.

2 carry (something) over or carry over (something) : to cause or allow (something) to continue in another place or situation

People can carry bad eating habits learned in childhood over to/into adulthood.

— see also carryover
• • •
Main Entry:carry

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ˌcarry ˈover derived
to continue to exist in a different situation

Attitudes learned at home carry over into the playground.

Main entry:carryderived

Useful english dictionary. 2012.