
carpetweed family
succulent herbs or small shrubs mostly of South Africa but also New Zealand and North America: carpetweeds; fig marigolds
Syn: ↑Aizoaceae, ↑family Aizoaceae, ↑Tetragoniaceae, ↑family Tetragoniaceae
Hypernyms: ↑caryophylloid dicot family
Member Holonyms: ↑Caryophyllales, ↑order Caryophyllales, ↑Chenopodiales, ↑order-Chenopodiales
Member Meronyms:
Carpobrotus, ↑genus Carpobrotus, ↑Dorotheanthus, ↑genus Dorotheanthus, ↑genus Lithops, ↑Mesembryanthemum, ↑genus Mesembryanthemum, ↑Molluga, ↑genus Molluga, ↑Pleiospilos, ↑genus Pleiospilos, ↑Tetragonia, ↑genus Tetragonia

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: aizoaceae

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carpetweed family,
a family of herbs and grasses, with cymose or solitary flowers and capsular fruit. The carpetweed is representative.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.