
call down
1. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic

raise the specter of unemployment


he conjured wild birds in the air


call down the spirits from the mountain

raise, ↑conjure, ↑conjure up, ↑invoke, ↑evoke, ↑stir, ↑arouse, ↑bring up, ↑put forward, ↑call forth
Derivationally related forms:
evocation (for: ↑evoke), ↑invocation (for: ↑invoke), ↑conjurer (for: ↑conjure), ↑conjuration (for: ↑conjure), ↑conjuror (for: ↑conjure), ↑conjury (for: ↑conjure), ↑conjuring (for: ↑conjure)
Hypernyms: ↑make, ↑create
curse, ↑beshrew, ↑damn, ↑bedamn, ↑anathemize, ↑anathemise, ↑imprecate, ↑maledict, ↑bless
Verb Group: ↑provoke, ↑evoke, ↑call forth, ↑kick up
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something

2. censure severely or angrily

The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car


The deputy ragged the Prime Minister


The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup

call on the carpet, ↑take to task, ↑rebuke, ↑rag, ↑trounce, ↑reproof, ↑lecture, ↑reprimand, ↑jaw, ↑dress down, ↑scold, ↑chide, ↑berate, ↑bawl out, ↑remonstrate, ↑chew out, ↑chew up, ↑have words, ↑lambaste, ↑lambast
Derivationally related forms:
chiding (for: ↑chide), ↑scolder (for: ↑scold), ↑scolding (for: ↑scold), ↑reprimand (for: ↑reprimand), ↑lecture (for: ↑lecture), ↑reproof (for: ↑reproof), ↑rebuker (for: ↑rebuke), ↑rebuke (for: ↑rebuke)
Hypernyms: ↑knock, ↑criticize, ↑criticise, ↑pick apart
chastise, ↑castigate, ↑objurgate, ↑chasten, ↑correct, ↑tell off, ↑brush down
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s somebody


Somebody ——s PP

(for: ↑have words)

Somebody ——s PP

(for: ↑remonstrate)

Somebody ——s PP

(for: ↑jaw)

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transitive verb
1. : to cause or entreat to descend : bring or draw down : invoke

call down a blessing on the crops

call down upon himself the displeasure of the village

2. : to reprimand or scold for an offense

she called me down for coming in late

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call down
1. To invoke
2. To rebuke, reprove sharply and angrily (esp US informal)
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Main Entry:call

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ˌcall ˈdown [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they call down he/she/it calls down present participle calling down past tense called down past participle called down] literary phrasal verb
to pray for something bad to happen to someone
Thesaurus: christian ceremonies, services, prayers and practiceshyponym
Main entry: call

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call down [phrasal verb]
call down (something) or call (something) down literary : to pray or ask God to do something to someone

He called down a blessing/curse on the king. [=he prayed that the king would be blessed/cursed]

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Main Entry:call

Useful english dictionary. 2012.