
bring out
1. make visible (Freq. 9)

Summer brings out bright clothes


He brings out the best in her

Syn: ↑uncover, ↑unveil, ↑reveal
Hypernyms: ↑show
Hyponyms: ↑disclose, ↑expose, ↑excavate, ↑unearth, ↑trot out, ↑unfold
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something

2. bring out of a specific state (Freq. 2)
Syn: ↑let out
Hypernyms: ↑let go of, ↑let go, ↑release, ↑relinquish
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s somebody PP


Somebody ——s something PP

3. prepare and issue for public distribution or sale (Freq. 1)

publish a magazine or newspaper

Syn: ↑publish, ↑put out, ↑issue, ↑release
Derivationally related forms: ↑release (for: ↑release), ↑issue (for: ↑issue), ↑issuer (for: ↑issue), ↑publication (for: ↑publish), ↑publisher (for: ↑publish), ↑publishing (for: ↑publish)
Hypernyms: ↑publicize, ↑publicise, ↑air, ↑bare
Hyponyms: ↑edit
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something


They won't bring out the story

4. direct attention to, as if by means of contrast (Freq. 1)

This dress accentuates your nice figure!


I set off these words by brackets

Syn: ↑set off
Hypernyms: ↑stress, ↑emphasize, ↑emphasise, ↑punctuate, ↑accent, ↑accentuate
Hyponyms: ↑pick up, ↑foreground, ↑highlight, ↑spotlight, ↑play up, ↑raise
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something

5. bring onto the market or release

produce a movie


bring out a book


produce a new play

Syn: ↑produce, ↑bring on
Derivationally related forms: ↑production (for: ↑produce), ↑producer (for: ↑produce)
Hyponyms: ↑offer
Cause: ↑appear
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s somebody

6. encourage to be less reserved

The teacher tried to bring out the shy boy

Hypernyms: ↑encourage
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s somebody


Something ——s somebody


Something ——s something

7. take out of a container or enclosed space

Get out your best dress—we are going to a party!

Syn: ↑get out
Hypernyms: ↑unpack, ↑take out
Hyponyms: ↑winkle, ↑winkle out
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something

8. bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.
Syn: ↑introduce
Hypernyms: ↑introduce, ↑present, ↑acquaint
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s somebody

9. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret

The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold


The actress won't reveal how old she is


bring out the truth


he broke the news to her


unwrap the evidence in the murder case

unwrap, ↑disclose, ↑let on, ↑reveal, ↑discover, ↑expose, ↑divulge, ↑break, ↑give away, ↑let out
Derivationally related forms:
giveaway (for: ↑give away), ↑divulgement (for: ↑divulge), ↑divulgence (for: ↑divulge), ↑exposure (for: ↑expose), ↑expose (for: ↑expose), ↑discovery (for: ↑discover), ↑revelation (for: ↑reveal), ↑revealing (for: ↑reveal), ↑disclosure (for: ↑disclose)
Hypernyms: ↑tell
blackwash, ↑muckrake, ↑blow, ↑out, ↑come out of the closet, ↑come out, ↑spring, ↑betray, ↑bewray, ↑confide, ↑leak, ↑spill the beans, ↑let the cat out of the bag, ↑talk, ↑tattle, ↑blab, ↑peach, ↑babble, ↑sing, ↑babble out, ↑blab out, ↑reveal
Verb Group: ↑break, ↑get out, ↑get around
Cause: ↑break, ↑get out, ↑get around
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something


Somebody ——s something to somebody


Somebody ——s that CLAUSE

* * *

bring out [phrasal verb]
1 bring out (something) or bring (something) out
1 a : to show (something) : to cause (something) to appear or to be more easily seen

The debate brought out [=highlighted] the differences between the two candidates.

That blue sweater really brings out the color in your eyes.

Our school aims to bring out [=develop] the talents in each of our students.

A crisis brings out the best in some people and brings out the worst in others. [=a crisis causes some people to behave very well and other people to behave very badly]

1 b : to produce (something, such as a book) : to cause (something) to become available or to come out

a writer who's expected to bring out a new novel next year

2 bring (someone) out in (something) Brit : to cause (someone) to begin to have (something, such as a rash) on the skin

Eating strawberries brings me out in spots. [=eating strawberries makes me break out in spots]

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Main Entry:bring

Useful english dictionary. 2012.