
branchial cleft
one of a series of slit openings in the pharynxes of fishes and aquatic amphibians through which water passes
Syn: ↑gill slit, ↑gill cleft
Hypernyms: ↑structure, ↑anatomical structure, ↑complex body part, ↑bodily structure, ↑body structure

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: one of the openings or clefts between the branchial arches in vertebrates that breathe by gills through which water taken in at the mouth passes to the exterior bathing the gills; also : a rudimentary groove in the neck region of the embryos of air-breathing vertebrates

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Zool. one of a series of slitlike openings in the walls of the pharynx between the branchial arches of fishes and aquatic amphibians through which water passes from the pharynx to the exterior. Also called visceral cleft.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.