
body politic
a politically organized body of people under a single government

the state has elected a new president


African nations


students who had come to the nation's capitol


the country's largest manufacturer


an industrialized land

Syn: ↑state, ↑nation, ↑country, ↑land, ↑commonwealth, ↑res publica
Hypernyms: ↑political unit, ↑political entity
commonwealth country, ↑developing country, ↑Dominion, ↑foreign country, ↑Reich, ↑rogue state, ↑renegade state, ↑rogue nation, ↑suzerain, ↑sea power, ↑world power, ↑major power, ↑great power, ↑power, ↑superpower, ↑city state, ↑city-state, ↑ally
Instance Hyponyms: ↑Eelam, ↑Tamil Eelam
Part Meronyms: ↑estate of the realm, ↑estate, ↑the three estates

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the body politic
formal : all the people in a particular country considered as a single group

The article examines the language politicians use to appeal to the body politic.

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the ˌbody ˈpolitic [body politic] noun singular (formal)
all the people of a particular nation considered as an organized political group

This new policy has touched a nerve in the American body politic.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.