
Blue Ridge
a range of the Appalachians extending from southern Pennsylvania to northern Georgia
Syn: ↑Blue Ridge Mountains
Instance Hypernyms: ↑range, ↑mountain range, ↑range of mountains, ↑chain, ↑mountain chain, ↑chain of mountains
Part Holonyms:
Appalachians, ↑Appalachian Mountains, ↑Pennsylvania, ↑Keystone State, ↑PA, ↑Virginia, ↑Old Dominion, ↑Old Dominion State, ↑VA, ↑North Carolina, ↑Old North State, ↑Tar Heel State, ↑NC

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a mountain range extending SW from N Virginia to N Georgia: part of the Appalachian Mountains. Also called Blue Ridge Mountains.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.