
hum and haw
HESITATE, dither, vacillate, be indecisive, equivocate, prevaricate, waver, blow hot and cold; Brit. haver; Scottish swither; informal shilly-shally.

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hum and haw or hum and ha
1. To make inarticulate sounds when at a loss
2. To shilly-shally
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Main Entry:hum

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hum and haw informal phrase
to delay or avoid talking about something
Thesaurus: being careful about what you saysynonym
Main entry: hum

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ˌhum and ˈhaw idiom
(BrE) (NAmE ˌhem and ˈhaw) (informal) to take a long time to make a decision or before you say sth

We hummed and hawed for weeks before deciding to buy the house.

Main entry:humidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.