
deal with
1. handle, attend to, cope with, get to grips with, manage, see to, take care of, treat
2. be concerned with, consider

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deal with [phrasal verb]
deal with (someone or something)
1 : to be about (something) : to have (something) as a subject

The book deals with World War II.

Her speech dealt with health care and the nation's economy.

The film deals with some serious issues.

2 : to make business agreements with (someone)

He deals fairly with all his customers.

Their salespeople are very easy to deal with.

3 : to do something about (a person or thing that causes a problem or difficult situation)

The government dealt harshly with the rebels.

I'll deal with you later.

Who's going to deal with this mess?

I dealt with the problem myself.

Can you suggest some ways of dealing with a difficult child?

We weren't able/equipped/prepared to deal with such a large crowd of people.

He needs to learn how to deal with his anger.

4 : to accept or try to accept (something that is true and cannot be changed) : to control your feelings about (something)

She's still trying to deal with his death.

I'm still dealing with the fact that we lost the game.

The weather is bad, but we'll just have to deal with it.

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Main Entry:deal

Useful english dictionary. 2012.