
Jewish republic in southwestern Asia at eastern end of Mediterranean; formerly part of Palestine
Syn: ↑Israel, ↑State of Israel, ↑Zion, ↑Sion
Members of this Region:
al-Fatah, ↑Fatah, ↑al-Asifa, ↑Fatah Tanzim, ↑Tanzim, ↑Kahane Chai, ↑Kach, ↑Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, ↑PFLP-GC, ↑15 May Organization, ↑Qassam Brigades, ↑Salah al-Din Battalions, ↑Iz Al-Din Al-Qassam Battalions, ↑kibbutz, ↑moshav, ↑Haganah, ↑Israeli Defense Force, ↑IDF, ↑Sayeret Matkal, ↑Sayeret Mat'kal, ↑sayeret, ↑A'man, ↑Mossad, ↑Shin Bet, ↑General Security Services
Instance Hypernyms: ↑country, ↑state, ↑land
Part Holonyms: ↑Middle East, ↑Mideast, ↑Near East
Member Meronyms: ↑Israeli
Part Meronyms:
Acre, ↑Akko, ↑Akka, ↑Accho, ↑West Bank, ↑Galilee, ↑Gaza Strip, ↑Gaza, ↑Golan Heights, ↑Golan, ↑Jerusalem, ↑capital of Israel, ↑Caesarea, ↑Sodom, ↑Gomorrah, ↑Gomorrha, ↑Tel Aviv, ↑Tel Aviv-Yalo, ↑Tel Aviv-Jaffa, ↑Hefa, ↑Haifa, ↑Negev, ↑Negev Desert, ↑Dead Sea, ↑Mount Carmel

Useful english dictionary. 2012.