
1 fine soft wavy hair from the fleece of sheep, goats, etc.
2 a yarn produced from this hair. b cloth or clothing made from it.
3 any of various wool-like substances (steel wool).
4 soft short under-fur or down.
5 colloq. a person's hair, esp. when short and curly.
Phrases and idioms:
pull the wool over a person's eyes deceive a person. wool-fat lanolin. wool-fell Brit. the skin of a sheep etc. with the fleece still on. wool-gathering absent-mindedness; dreamy inattention. wool-grower a breeder of sheep for wool. wool-oil suint. wool-pack
1 a fleecy cumulus cloud.
2 hist. a bale of wool. wool-skin = wool-fell. wool-sorters' disease anthrax. wool-stapler a person who grades wool.
wool-like adj.
Etymology: OE wull f. Gmc

Useful english dictionary. 2012.