
(British) solicitation of money usually for a benevolent purpose
Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑Great Britain
Hypernyms: ↑solicitation, ↑appeal, ↑collection, ↑ingathering

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\\ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun (-s)
Etymology: from the phrase whip round
chiefly Britain : a collection of money made usually for a benevolent purpose

we'll have a whip-round and … make up for what was in your purse — Strand Magazine

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whip-round see n above.
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Main Entry:whip

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whip-round UK US noun [countable] [singular whip-round plural whip-rounds] british informal
an occasion when you collect money for someone from a group of people
Thesaurus: unspecified amounts of moneyhyponym large amounts of moneysynonym

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whip-round «HWIHP ROWND», noun.
British. a request for, or a collection of, contributions: »

Thanks to a whip-round, the paupers are assured of ample supplies of beef, plum pudding, porter and snuff (Punch).

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/ˈwıpˌraʊnd/ noun, pl -rounds [count]
Brit informal : a collection of money from a group of people that is used to pay for something, buy a gift, make a donation, etc.

We had a whip-round at the office to buy our secretary a retirement present.

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ˈwhip-round f11 [whip-round whip-rounds] noun (BrE, informal)
if a group of people have a whip-round, they all give money so they can buy sth for sb

We had a whip-round at the office to buy her a leaving present.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.