
bit by bit
1. a little bit at a time

the research structure has developed piecemeal

Syn: ↑piecemeal, ↑little by little, ↑in stages
2. in a gradual manner

the snake moved gradually toward its victim

Syn: ↑gradually, ↑step by step
Derived from adjective: ↑gradual (for: ↑gradually)

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GRADUALLY, little by little, in stages, step by step, piecemeal, slowly.

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: piecemeal : little by little : by degrees

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bit by bit
1. Piecemeal
2. Gradually
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Main Entry:bit

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bit by bit phrase
gradually or in small stages

I’ll move my things into the flat bit by bit.

Thesaurus: graduallysynonym
Main entry: bit

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the school was built bit by bit over the years

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bit by bit
: by small steps or amounts :gradually

The situation improved bit by bit. [=little by little]

I got to know them bit by bit.

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Main Entry:bit

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bit by ˈbit idiom
a piece at a time; gradually

He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.

Bit by bit memories of the night came back to me.

Main entry:bitidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.