
weekend warrior
1. a homeowner who acts as a contractor and tries to do major improvement projects on weekends (often without understanding the scope of the work to be done)
Hypernyms: ↑homeowner, ↑householder
2. a reservist who fulfills the military obligation on weekends
Topics: ↑military, ↑armed forces, ↑armed services, ↑military machine, ↑war machine
Hypernyms: ↑reservist

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: a person who participates in a usually physically strenuous activity only on weekends or part-time

lunch-hour aerobicizers metamorphosed into weekend warriors — Mary Duffy & Maura Rhodes

nationally ranked athletes as well as weekend warriors — Nancy Buck

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a reservist who attends weekend meetings of his or her unit in order to fulfill military obligations.

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weekend warrior noun
1. A member of a reserve force (milit sl)
2. Someone who is only intermittently active in a sport or pastime (facetious)
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Main Entry:week

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noun, pl ⋯ -riors [count]
US informal
1 : a member of the military reserves who trains on the weekends and for a few weeks every year
2 : a person who does a particular activity (such as a sport) only on the weekends

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ˌweekend ˈwarrior 8 [weekend warrior] noun (NAmE)
a person who works all week, especially in an office or other indoor job, and uses the weekends to go out and do more active and/or dangerous physical activities

Grant is a self-confessed weekend warrior, going off rock climbing each weekend.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.