
weather vane
mechanical device attached to an elevated structure; rotates freely to show the direction of the wind
Syn: ↑weathervane, ↑vane, ↑wind vane
Hypernyms: ↑mechanical device
Hyponyms: ↑weathercock, ↑wind tee

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: vane 1a

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a device, as a rod to which a freely rotating pointer is attached, for indicating the direction of the wind. Also, weathervane. Also called vane, wind vane.

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weather vane noun
A vane showing the direction of the wind
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Main Entry:weather

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weather vane UK US noun [countable] [singular weather vane plural weather vanes]
an object, often an arrow or a model of a cock , that is fixed to the top of a building and points in the direction that the wind is coming from
Thesaurus: general words for climate and the weathersynonym cold weather and periods of cold weathersynonym

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weather vane,
a device to show which way the wind is blowing; vane; weathercock.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.