
weapons system
weapons considered collectively (Freq. 4)
Syn: ↑weaponry, ↑arms, ↑implements of war, ↑munition
Derivationally related forms: ↑munition (for: ↑munition)
Hypernyms: ↑instrumentality, ↑instrumentation
ammunition, ↑ammo, ↑armament, ↑bomb, ↑defense system, ↑defence system, ↑gunnery, ↑hardware, ↑naval weaponry
Part Meronyms: ↑weapon, ↑arm, ↑weapon system

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weapons system,
a missile, bomber, submarine, or other device required to carry a bomb or warhead to its target: »

America's first successful long-range pilotless bomber [was] a major weapons system conceived and developed in peace-time (Time).

Useful english dictionary. 2012.