
waterleaf family
perennial woodland herbs
Syn: ↑Hydrophyllaceae, ↑family Hydrophyllaceae
Hypernyms: ↑asterid dicot family
Member Holonyms: ↑Polemoniales, ↑order Polemoniales
Member Meronyms:
Hydrophyllum, ↑genus Hydrophyllum, ↑Emmanthe, ↑genus Emmanthe, ↑Eriodictyon, ↑genus Eriodictyon, ↑genus Nemophila, ↑genus Phacelia, ↑Pholistoma, ↑genus Pholistoma

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: hydrophyllaceae

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the plant family Hydrophyllaceae, characterized by usually hairy herbaceous plants having lobed, divided, or compound leaves, five-parted blue or white flowers, and capsular fruit, and including baby-blue-eyes, phacelia, and waterleaf.

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waterleaf family,
a group of dicotyledonous herbs having characteristics similar to those of the borage family and commonly cultivated as ornamentals. The family includes the waterleaf, baby blue-eyes, and tarbush.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.