
widely distributed genus of annual or perennial and often climbing herbs
Syn: ↑genus Vicia
Hypernyms: ↑rosid dicot genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Papilionoideae, ↑subfamily Papilionoideae
Member Meronyms:
vetch, ↑tare, ↑broad bean, ↑broad-bean, ↑broad-bean plant, ↑English bean, ↑European bean, ↑field bean, ↑Vicia faba, ↑hairy vetch, ↑hairy tare, ↑Vicia villosa

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\\ˈvis(h)ēə\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, vetch — more at vetch
: a widely distributed genus of often climbing herbs (family Leguminosae) having pinnate leaves and blue, purple, or yellow flowers either solitary or in axillary racemes, the style usually beaked or tufted, and the ovary containing numerous ovules — see hairy vetch, vetch

Useful english dictionary. 2012.