
the majority of common bats of temperate regions of the world
Syn: ↑family Vespertilionidae
Hypernyms: ↑mammal family
Member Holonyms: ↑Microchiroptera, ↑suborder Microchiroptera
Member Meronyms:
vespertilian bat, ↑vespertilionid, ↑Vespertilio, ↑genus Vespertilio, ↑Lasiurus, ↑genus Lasiurus, ↑Myotis, ↑genus Myotis, ↑Eptesicus, ↑genus Eptesicus, ↑Antrozous, ↑genus Antrozous, ↑Pipistrellus, ↑genus Pipistrellus, ↑Euderma, ↑genus Euderma, ↑Plecotus, ↑genus Plecotus

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\\ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌtilēˈänəˌdē\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Vespertilion-, Vespertilio, type genus + -idae
: a very large family of bats (suborder Microchiroptera) found in most parts of the world, including the majority of the common bats of temperate regions, and having separate ears with well-developed tragal lobes, a simple nose without appendages, and a tail that extends to the border of the posterior part of the volar membrane which stretches between the thighs — see vespertilio

Useful english dictionary. 2012.