
Bing Crosby
United States singer and film actor (1904-1977)
Syn: ↑Crosby, ↑Harry Lillis Crosby
Instance Hypernyms:
crooner, ↑balladeer, ↑actor, ↑histrion, ↑player, ↑thespian, ↑role player

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Bing Crosby [Bing Crosby]
(1904–77) a US singer and film actor, known for his fine voice and relaxed style. His recording of White Christmas (1942) was the most popular Christmas song ever recorded. He won an ↑Oscar for the film Going My Way (1944) and made a series of seven comedy films (1940–47) with Bob Hope, all with ‘road’ in the title, including Road to Morocco (1942).

Useful english dictionary. 2012.