
1. a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something (Freq. 1)

the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves

Syn: ↑goad, ↑goading, ↑prod, ↑prodding, ↑spur, ↑spurring
Derivationally related forms:
spur (for: ↑spurring), ↑spur (for: ↑spur), ↑urge, ↑prod (for: ↑prodding), ↑prod (for: ↑prod), ↑goad (for: ↑goading), ↑goad (for: ↑goad)
Hypernyms: ↑encouragement
2. the act of earnestly supporting or encouraging (Freq. 1)
Derivationally related forms: ↑urge
Hypernyms: ↑advocacy, ↑protagonism
3. insistent solicitation and entreaty

his importunity left me no alternative but to agree

Syn: ↑importunity, ↑urgency
Derivationally related forms: ↑urge (for: ↑urgency)
Hypernyms: ↑solicitation

Useful english dictionary. 2012.