
goddess of fate: a giantess who personified the past
Syn: ↑Urth
Instance Hypernyms: ↑Norn, ↑weird sister

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\\ˈu̇(ə)rd, ˈərd\ noun or urd bean (-s)
Etymology: Hindi urd, uṛad
: a spreading hairy annual bean (Phaseolus mungo) that is native to India, is widely cultivated in warm regions for its edible blackish seed, for green manure, or for forage, and is closely related to but less erect in growth than the mung bean — called also black gram, woolly pyrol

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/oord, errd/, n.
a plant, Vigna mungo, of the legume family, widely cultivated in tropical Asia for its edible seeds and for forage. Also called gram, black gram.
[ < Hindi urd, urdh, urad, urad, Prakrit udidda- a pulse]

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urd /ûrd/
An Indian plant (Phaseolus mungo) of the bean family, or its edible blackish seed (also urd bean or black gram)

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urd «urd», noun.
a bean, a variety of the mung bean, largely cultivated throughout India; black gram.
[< Hindustani urd]
Urd «urd», noun.
Norse Mythology. one of the three Norns or goddesses of fate, a giantess representing the past.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.