
adj. & n.
1 higher in place; situated above another part (the upper atmosphere; the upper lip).
2 higher in rank or dignity etc. (the upper class).
3 situated on higher ground (Upper Egypt).
—n. the part of a boot or shoe above the sole.
Phrases and idioms:
on one's uppers colloq. extremely short of money. upper case see CASE(2). upper class the highest class of society, esp. the aristocracy. upper-class adj. of the upper class. the upper crust colloq. the aristocracy. upper-cut n. an upwards blow delivered with the arm bent.
—v.tr. hit with an upper-cut. the upper hand dominance or control. Upper House the higher house in a legislature, esp. the House of Lords. the upper regions
1 the sky.
2 heaven. upper works the part of a ship that is above the water when fully laden.
Etymology: ME f. UP + -ER(2)
n. sl. a stimulant drug, esp. an amphetamine.
Etymology: UP v. + -ER(1)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.