
bid price
(stock market) the price at which a broker is willing to buy a certain security
Topics: ↑stock exchange, ↑stock market, ↑securities market
Hypernyms: ↑price, ↑terms, ↑damage

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: the price that a buyer offers to pay

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Stock Exchange.
bid1 (def. 15).

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bid price noun
The price at which a professional dealer is willing to buy shares or other items from the market
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Main Entry:bid

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bid price UK US noun [countable] [singular bid price plural bid prices] business
the price at which shares are bought on a stock exchange
Thesaurus: stocks and shares and the stock exchangehyponym types of tax and taxationhyponym
See also: offer price

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n. the price that a dealer or other prospective buyer is prepared to pay for securities or other assets. Often contrasted with offering price

Useful english dictionary. 2012.