
a genus of Cephalobidae
Syn: ↑Anguillula, ↑genus Anguillula, ↑genus Turbatrix
Hypernyms: ↑worm genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Cephalobidae, ↑family Cephalobidae
Member Meronyms: ↑vinegar eel, ↑vinegar worm, ↑Anguillula aceti, ↑Turbatrix aceti

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\\ˌtərˈbā.triks\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin Turbatric-, Turbatrix, from Latin, female disturber, feminine of turbator one that disturbs, from turbatus (past participle of turbare to disturb) + -or — more at turbid, -trix
: a genus of small slender nematode worms (family Cephalobidae) including the vinegar eel

Useful english dictionary. 2012.