
1. a distinctive characteristic or attribute (Freq. 3)
Syn: ↑hallmark, ↑earmark, ↑stylemark
Derivationally related forms: ↑earmark (for: ↑earmark)
Hypernyms: ↑characteristic
Hyponyms: ↑mold, ↑mould
2. a formally registered symbol identifying the manufacturer or distributor of a product (Freq. 1)
Members of this Usage Domain:
Ping-Pong, ↑Scrabble, ↑Monopoly, ↑Parcheesi, ↑Seeing Eye dog, ↑RU 486, ↑Anacin III, ↑Tempra, ↑Phenaphen, ↑Panadol, ↑Tylenol, ↑Datril, ↑Zovirax, ↑Proventil, ↑Ventolin, ↑Fosamax, ↑Zyloprim, ↑Cordarone, ↑Elavil, ↑SK-Ampicillin, ↑Polycillin, ↑Principen, ↑Inocor, ↑Hypertensin, ↑Aqua-Lung, ↑Elspar, ↑St. Joseph, ↑Empirin, ↑Bayer, ↑Lipitor, ↑Imuran, ↑Azactam, ↑Band Aid, ↑Benzedrine, ↑BuSpar, ↑BVD's, ↑BVD, ↑Capoten, ↑Caterpillar, ↑Sellotape, ↑Scotch tape, ↑Colt, ↑Courtelle, ↑Crock Pot, ↑Terylene, ↑Dacron, ↑Dumpster, ↑Elastoplast, ↑Formica, ↑Frisbee, ↑Harris Tweed, ↑Hoover, ↑Humvee, ↑Hum-Vee, ↑Identikit picture, ↑Identikit, ↑iPod, ↑video iPod, ↑Jaws of Life, ↑Lastex, ↑Lego set, ↑Lego, ↑Levi's, ↑Lilo, ↑Link trainer, ↑Linotype machine, ↑Linotype, ↑Loafer, ↑Luger, ↑Masonite, ↑Meccano set, ↑Meccano, ↑Mecholyl, ↑Roneograph, ↑Roneo, ↑Model T, ↑Aflaxen, ↑Anaprox, ↑Aleve, ↑Orlon, ↑Terramycin, ↑Phillips screw, ↑Photostat machine, ↑Photostat, ↑Rollerblade, ↑Rolodex, ↑Segway HT, ↑Segway Human Transporter, ↑Segway, ↑Sheetrock, ↑Silex, ↑Skivvies, ↑Sno-cat, ↑Spode, ↑Stanley Steamer, ↑Teleprompter, ↑Theobid, ↑Slo-Bid, ↑Elixophyllin, ↑Ultrasuede, ↑Vaseline, ↑Velcro, ↑Victrola, ↑Viyella, ↑Walkman, ↑Wedgwood, ↑Weston cell, ↑Wiffle Ball, ↑Wiffle, ↑Winchester, ↑Linux, ↑MapQuest, ↑Google, ↑Yahoo, ↑Ask Jeeves, ↑Windows, ↑Princeton WordNet, ↑WordNet, ↑Spam, ↑Life Saver, ↑Jell-O, ↑Twinkie, ↑Pablum, ↑Liederkranz, ↑Drambuie, ↑Pernod, ↑Realtor, ↑Mylar, ↑Plasticine, ↑Perspex, ↑Lucite, ↑Plexiglas, ↑Styrofoam, ↑Bakelite, ↑Teflon, ↑Vinylite, ↑Crazy Glue, ↑Alar, ↑Alka-seltzer, ↑Brioschi, ↑Bromo-seltzer, ↑Maalox, ↑Mylanta, ↑Pepto-bismal, ↑Rolaids, ↑Tums, ↑Carboloy, ↑carborundum, ↑Elinvar, ↑Kitty Litter, ↑Clorox, ↑Duralumin, ↑Freon, ↑Inconel, ↑Invar, ↑Kleenex, ↑Kwell, ↑Chemical Mace, ↑Mace, ↑Malathion, ↑Microtaggant, ↑Nichrome, ↑Pyrex, ↑Stellite
Members of this Topic: ↑Bufferin
Hypernyms: ↑marker, ↑marking, ↑mark
Hyponyms: ↑Sharpie, ↑logo, ↑logotype
1. mark with a brand or trademark

when this product is not branded it sells for a lower price

Syn: ↑brand, ↑brandmark
Hypernyms: ↑tag, ↑label, ↑mark
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something

2. register the trademark of

The company trademarked their new gadget

Hypernyms: ↑file, ↑register
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something

Useful english dictionary. 2012.