
the business of providing services to tourists

Tourism is a major business in Bermuda

Syn: ↑tourism
Derivationally related forms: ↑tourist (for: ↑tourism)
Hypernyms: ↑commercial enterprise, ↑business enterprise, ↑business
Hyponyms: ↑ecotourism

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\\ˈtu̇rə̇strē\ noun (-es)
Etymology: tourist (I) + -ry
: the fact or practice of touring; also : the whole body of tourists

all the ruck and rabble of British touristry pour unhindered — R.L.Stevenson

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/toor"euh stree/, n.
1. tourists collectively: the yearly invasion of American touristry.
2. the fact or practice of touring.
[1875-80; TOURIST + -RY]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.