
n. & v.
—n. (pl. -oes)
1 a a cigar-shaped self-propelled underwater missile that explodes on impact with a ship. b (in full aerial torpedo) a similar device dropped from an aircraft.
2 Zool. an electric ray.
3 US an explosive device or firework.
—v.tr. (-oes, -oed)
1 destroy or attack with a torpedo.
2 make (a policy, institution, plan, etc.) ineffective or inoperative; destroy.
Phrases and idioms:
torpedo-boat a small fast lightly armed warship for carrying or discharging torpedoes. torpedo-net (or -netting) netting of steel wire hung round a ship to intercept torpedoes. torpedo-tube a tube from which torpedoes are fired.
torpedo-like adj.
Etymology: L, = numbness, electric ray f. torpere be numb

Useful english dictionary. 2012.