
tone arm
mechanical device consisting of a light balanced arm that carries the cartridge
Syn: ↑pickup, ↑pickup arm
Hypernyms: ↑mechanical device
Part Holonyms: ↑record player, ↑phonograph

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: the movable part of a phonograph that carries the pickup and permits the needle to follow the record groove spiral

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the free-swinging bracket of a phonograph containing the pickup. Also, tonearm. Also called pickup arm.

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tone arm noun
1. The movable arm that carries an electric pick-up on a record player
2. (orig) that part of a gramophone connecting the soundbox to the horn
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Main Entry:tone

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tone arm,
the movable arm of a phonograph, holding the needle and pickup.

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(also tonearm ['tōnˌärm]) n. the movable arm supporting the pickup of a record player

Useful english dictionary. 2012.