
tit for tat
an equivalent given in return
Hypernyms: ↑return, ↑paying back, ↑getting even

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blow for blow, retaliation, revenge, requital, reprisal, measure for measure, counterblow, counterbuff, countercharge
FORMAL quid pro quo,lex talionis
COLLOQ. like for like, an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth), a taste of your own medicine

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noun RETALIATION, reprisal, counter-attack, counterstroke, comeback; revenge, vengeance, retribution, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, as good as one gets, payback; informal a taste of someone's own medicine.

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\\|titfə(r)|tat, usu -ad.+V\
Etymology: alteration of earlier tip for tap, from tip (V) + for + tap
: an equivalent given in return (as for an injury) : retaliation in kind

gave him tit for tat in the debate

she did not like this tricky tit for tat — Israel Zangwill

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with an equivalent given in retaliation, as a blow for a blow, repartee, etc.: He answered their insults tit for tat.
[1550-60; perh. var. of earlier tip for tap]

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tit for tat
1. An eye for an eye (a tip for a tap), retaliation in kind (tit-for-tatˈ adjective)
2. A hat, usu shortened to titˈfer (Cockney rhyming sl)
• • •
Main Entry:tit

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tit for tat UK US noun [singular/uncountable] informal
something that you do to harm someone because they have harmed you
Thesaurus: revengesynonym
Derived Word: tit-for-tat

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tit for tat,
blow for blow; like for like: »

She hasn't the courage to give him tit for tat (Maria Edgeworth).

[perhaps alteration of earlier tip for tap blow for blow]

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/ˌtıtfɚˈtæt/ noun [noncount]
: a situation in which you do something to harm someone who has done something harmful to you

a tit for tat between two rival politicians

tit-for-tat adj

tit-for-tat bombings

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ˌtit for ˈtat [tit for tat] noun uncountable
a situation in which you do sth bad to sb because they have done the same to you

the routine tit for tat when countries expel each other's envoys

tit-for-tat assassinations by rival gangs

Useful english dictionary. 2012.