
the ordinal number of thirty-four in counting order
Syn: ↑34th
Similar to: ↑ordinal

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I. \\| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷\ adjective
1. : being number 34 in a countable series

the thirty-fourth day

— see number table
2. : being one of 34 equal parts into which anything is divisible

a thirty-fourth share of the money

II. noun
1. : number 34 in a countable series
2. : the quotient of a unit divided by 34 : one of 34 equal parts of anything

one thirty-fourth of the total

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/therr"tee fawrth", -fohrth"/, adj.
1. next after the thirty-third; being the ordinal number for 34.
2. being one of 34 equal parts.
3. a thirty-fourth part, esp. of one (1/34).
4. the thirty-fourth member of a series.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.