
depresses the function of the thyroid gland (Freq. 3)
Hypernyms: ↑organic compound

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\\|thīō+\ noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary thi- + uracil
: a bitter crystalline compound C4H4N2OS that depresses the function of the thyroid gland; 2-mercapto-pyrimidin-4-ol; also : any of several of its derivatives (as methylthiouracil or propylthiouracil)

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/thuy'oh yoor"euh sil/, n. Pharm.
a white, slightly water-soluble, bitter, crystalline powder C4H4N2OS, used chiefly in treating hyperthyroidism by reducing the activity of the thyroid gland.
[1940-45; THIO- + URACIL]

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thiouracil /thī-ō-ūˈrə-sil/ noun
A derivative of thiourea that interferes with the synthesis of thyroid hormone
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Main Entry:thio-

Useful english dictionary. 2012.