
Theodore Roosevelt
26th President of the United States; hero of the Spanish-American War; Panama Canal was built during his administration

"Theodore Roosevelt said `Speak softly but carry a big stick'" (1858-1919)

Syn: ↑Roosevelt, ↑President Roosevelt, ↑President Theodore Roosevelt
Instance Hypernyms: ↑President of the United States, ↑United States President, ↑President, ↑Chief Executive

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Theodore Roosevelt [Theodore Roosevelt]
(1858–1919) the 26th US ↑President (1901–9) and a member of the ↑Republican Party. His popular name was Teddy. He led the ↑Rough Riders in the ↑Spanish-American War. He became Vice-President in 1900 and replaced William McKinley as President when McKinley was murdered a year later. As President, Roosevelt introduced his ↑Square Deal programme, began to build the ↑Panama Canal, created the ↑Great White Fleet, and used the ↑big stick military policy. He won the 1906 ↑Nobel Prize for peace after helping to end the Russo-Japanese War.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.