
adv., adj., & n.
1 at that time; at the time in question (was then too busy; then comes the trouble; the then existing laws).
2 a next, afterwards; after that (then he told me to come in). b and also (then, there are the children to consider). c after all (it is a problem, but then that is what we are here for).
3 a in that case; therefore; it follows that (then you should have said so). b if what you say is true (but then why did you take it?). c (implying grudging or impatient concession) if you must have it so (all right then, have it your own way). d used parenthetically to resume a narrative etc. (the policeman, then, knocked on the door).
—adj. that or who was such at the time in question (the then Duke).
—n. that time (until then).
Phrases and idioms:
then and there immediately and on the spot.
Etymology: OE thanne, thonne, etc., f. Gmc, rel. to THAT, THE

Useful english dictionary. 2012.