
tawny eagle
brownish eagle of Africa and parts of Asia
Syn: ↑Aquila rapax
Hypernyms: ↑eagle, ↑bird of Jove
Member Holonyms: ↑Aquila, ↑genus Aquila

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1. : a brownish eagle (Aquila rapax) with varied purplish and rufous feathers on the back found in Africa and parts of Asia and rarely in Europe
2. : an eagle of the Indian peninsula that is smaller than but usually considered a variety (Aquila rapax vindiana) of the African tawny eagle

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tawny eagle noun
A tawny-coloured eagle of Africa and Asia (Aquila rapax)
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Main Entry:tawny

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tawny eagle,
a brownish-yellow eagle of Africa and India.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.