
taste bud
an oval sensory end organ on the surface of the tongue
Syn: ↑tastebud, ↑gustatory organ
Hypernyms: ↑chemoreceptor
Part Holonyms:
tongue, ↑lingua, ↑glossa, ↑clapper, ↑palate, ↑roof of the mouth, ↑epiglottis, ↑throat, ↑pharynx
Part Meronyms: ↑neuroepithelium, ↑taste cell, ↑gustatory cell

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noun also taste bulb or taste goblet
: an end organ mediating the sensation of taste, lying chiefly in the epithelium of the tongue and especially in the walls of the vallate papillae, and consisting of a conical or flask-shaped mass made up partly of supporting cells and partly of neuroepithelial sensory cells that terminate peripherally in short hairlike processes which project into the pore in the overlying epithelium and by which communication with the mouth cavity is effected

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one of numerous small, flask-shaped bodies, chiefly in the epithelium of the tongue, which are the end organs for the sense of taste.

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taste bud noun
A group of cells on the tongue sensitive to taste (also taste bulb)
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Main Entry:taste

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taste bud,
one of the groups of cells, chiefly in the lining of the tongue or mouth, that are organs of taste: »

In the tongue, taste buds located in different regions conduct specific taste sensations (Martin E. Spencer).

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n. usu. taste buds any of the clusters of bulbous nerve endings on the tongue and in the lining of the mouth that provide the sense of taste

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noun, pl ⋯ buds [count]
: one of many small spots on your tongue that give you the ability to taste things

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ˈtaste bud [taste bud taste buds] noun usually plural
one of the small structures on the tongue that allow you to recognize the flavours of food and drink

Useful english dictionary. 2012.