
sympathy strike
a strike in support of other workers who are on strike; a strike not resulting from direct grievances against the workers' employer
Syn: ↑sympathetic strike
Hypernyms: ↑strike, ↑work stoppage

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: sympathetic strike

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a strike by a body of workers, not because of grievances against their own employer, but by way of endorsing and aiding another group of workers who are on strike or have been locked out. Also called sympathetic strike.

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sympathy strike or sympathetic strike noun
A strike in support of other workers, not in furtherance of the strikers' own claims
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Main Entry:sympathy

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sympathy strike UK US noun [countable] [singular sympathy strike plural sympathy strikes]
an occasion when workers stop working as a protest to show their support for another group of workers who have gone on strike
Thesaurus: strikes and other union activityhyponym

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sympathy strike,
a strike by workers, not to enforce demands on their own employer, but to help or give moral support to workers on strike against another employer or other employers.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.