
swing shift
the work shift during the evening (as 4 p.m. to midnight)
Syn: ↑evening shift
Hypernyms: ↑shift, ↑work shift, ↑duty period

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a. : the shift usually from 4 p.m. to midnight
b. : the workers working the swing shift between the day and night shifts in a factory operating 24 hours a day
2. : a group of workers in a factory operating seven days a week that mans the place as needed to permit the regular shift workers to have one or more free days per week

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swing shifter.
1. a work shift in industry from midafternoon until midnight.
2. the group of workers on such a shift.

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swing shift noun (US)
1. The work shift between the day and night shifts (eg from mid-afternoon until midnight)
2. The workers allocated to this shift
3. The workers employed to take irregular shifts over a seven-day week to enable other workers to work a regular five-day week
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Main Entry:swing

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swing shift,
the hours between the day and night shifts, usually from 4 p.m. to midnight, designated as a working day in factories and other operations that are on a 24-hour basis: »

In addition to his swing shift job at Douglas, [he] works days as an airplane mechanic (Wall Street Journal).

[American English, perhaps < swing1 (because the shift is the middle one)]

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n. a work shift from mid-afternoon to around midnight

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noun, pl ⋯ shifts [count]
US : a scheduled period of work that begins in the afternoon and ends at night

He works the swing shift.

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ˈswing shift 7 f4 [swing shift] noun (NAmE, informal)
the ↑shift (= period of time worked each day) from 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon until 11 or 12 at night; the workers who work this ↑shift

Useful english dictionary. 2012.