
1. a fish of the Pacific coast of North America
Syn: ↑yellowfin croaker, ↑surf fish, ↑Umbrina roncador
Hypernyms: ↑croaker
Member Holonyms: ↑Umbrina, ↑genus Umbrina
2. small to medium-sized shallow-water fishes of the Pacific coast of North America
Syn: ↑surfperch, ↑surf fish
Hypernyms: ↑percoid fish, ↑percoid, ↑percoidean
Hyponyms: ↑rainbow seaperch, ↑rainbow perch, ↑Hipsurus caryi
Member Holonyms: ↑Embiotocidae, ↑family Embiotocidae

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/serrf"fish'/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) surffish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) surffishes.
1. surfperch.
2. any of several sciaenoid fishes, as Umbrina roncador, inhabiting waters along the Pacific coast of North America.
3. See surf smelt.
[1880-85, Amer.; SURF + FISH]

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surfˈfish noun
Any fish of a W American viviparous perchoid family, Embiotocidae, that inhabit coastal waters (also called surfperch)
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Main Entry:surf

Useful english dictionary. 2012.