
adj. & adv.
1 having or seeming to have adequate reason for a belief or assertion.
2 (often foll. by of, or that + clause) convinced.
3 (foll. by of) having a certain prospect or confident anticipation or satisfactory knowledge of.
4 reliable or unfailing (there is one sure way to find out).
5 (foll. by to + infin.) certain.
6 undoubtedly true or truthful.
—adv. colloq. certainly.
Phrases and idioms:
as sure as eggs is eggs see EGG(1). as sure as fate quite certain. be sure (in imper. or infin.; foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) take care to; not fail to (be sure to turn the lights out). for sure colloq. without doubt. make sure
1 make or become certain; ensure.
2 (foll. by of) establish the truth or ensure the existence or happening of.
sure enough colloq.
1 in fact; certainly.
2 with near certainty (they will come sure enough). sure-fire colloq. certain to succeed. sure-footed never stumbling or making a mistake. sure-footedly in a sure-footed way. sure-footedness being sure-footed. sure thing int. esp. US colloq. certainly.
to be sure
1 it is undeniable or admitted.
2 it must be admitted.
sureness n.
Etymology: ME f. OF sur sure (earlier seumlur) f. L securus SECURE

Useful english dictionary. 2012.