
suck up
1. take in, also metaphorically (Freq. 1)

The sponge absorbs water well


She drew strength from the minister's words

absorb, ↑suck, ↑imbibe, ↑soak up, ↑sop up, ↑draw, ↑take in, ↑take up
See Also: ↑draw in (for: ↑draw), ↑suck in (for: ↑suck)
Derivationally related forms: ↑imbiber (for: ↑imbibe), ↑suck (for: ↑suck), ↑sucker (for: ↑suck), ↑absorption (for: ↑absorb), ↑absorber (for: ↑absorb)
Hyponyms: ↑wipe up, ↑mop up, ↑mop, ↑blot, ↑sponge up
Verb Frames:

Something ——s something

2. try to gain favor by cringing or flattering

He is always kowtowing to his boss

Syn: ↑fawn, ↑toady, ↑truckle, ↑bootlick, ↑kowtow, ↑kotow
Derivationally related forms:
kotow (for: ↑kotow), ↑kowtow (for: ↑kowtow), ↑bootlicker (for: ↑bootlick), ↑truckler (for: ↑truckle), ↑truckling (for: ↑truckle), ↑toady (for: ↑toady), ↑fawner (for: ↑fawn)
Hypernyms: ↑flatter, ↑blandish
Hyponyms: ↑curry favor, ↑curry favour, ↑court favor, ↑court favour
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s PP


Somebody ——s

(for: ↑fawn)
3. ingratiate oneself to; often with insincere behavior

She is playing up to the chairman

Syn: ↑cozy up, ↑cotton up, ↑shine up, ↑play up, ↑sidle up
Hypernyms: ↑ingratiate
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s PP

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(informal) they suck up to him, hanging on to his every word: GROVEL, creep, toady, be obsequious, be sycophantic, kowtow, bow and scrape, truckle; fawn on; informal lick someone's boots, be all over.

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ˌsuck ˈup [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they suck up he/she/it sucks up present participle sucking up past tense sucked up past participle sucked up] informal phrasal verb
showing disapproval to be very nice to someone in authority so that they will treat you well
suck up to:

Kristen is already sucking up to the new boss.

Thesaurus: to try hard to please or impress someonesynonym
Main entry: suck

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informal behave obsequiously, esp. for one's own advantage

he has risen to where he is mainly by sucking up to the president

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suck up [phrasal verb]
1 informal + disapproving : to try to get the approval of someone in authority by saying and doing helpful and friendly things that are not sincere

There he goes, sucking up again.

— usually + to

She's always sucking up to [=kissing up to] the boss.

see also suck-up
2 suck it up US, informal : to do or deal with something unpleasant by making a special effort

I know you don't want to see him, but you'll just have to suck it up and be polite.

I had to suck it up and play with an injured finger.

— see also suck 2b (above), 1
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Main Entry:suck

Useful english dictionary. 2012.