
stone parsley
1. any plant of the genus Seseli having dense umbels of small white or pink flowers and finely divided foliage
Syn: ↑moon carrot
Hypernyms: ↑herb, ↑herbaceous plant
Member Holonyms: ↑Seseli, ↑genus Seseli
2. a slender roadside herb of western Europe and Mediterranean areas that has foliage resembling parsley and has white flowers with aromatic seeds
Syn: ↑Sison amomum
Hypernyms: ↑herb, ↑herbaceous plant
Member Holonyms: ↑Sison, ↑genus Sison

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1. : a slender herb (Sison amomum) of the family Umbelliferae that is native to Europe and Asia Minor and has aromatic seeds which are used as a condiment
2. : any plant of the genus Seseli

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a parsley, Sison amomum, of Eurasia, bearing aromatic seeds that are used as a condiment.

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stone parsley noun
An umbelliferous plant (Sison amomum) similar to parsley, with aromatic seeds
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Main Entry:stone

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stone parsley,
an Old World herb of the parsley family, with aromatic seeds which are used as a seasoning; honewort.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.