
1. the act of making something (as a vessel or aircraft) less likely to overturn
Syn: ↑stabilization
Derivationally related forms: ↑stabilize (for: ↑stabilization)
Topics: ↑aircraft
Hypernyms: ↑improvement
2. the act of stabilizing something or making it more stable

he worked for price stabilization for farm products


wage stabilization is necessary for industrial peace


stabilization means that the product can be handled under atmospheric conditions

Syn: ↑stabilization
Ant: ↑destabilisation, ↑destabilization (for: ↑stabilization)
Derivationally related forms: ↑stabilise, ↑stabilize (for: ↑stabilization)
Hypernyms: ↑standardization, ↑standardisation, ↑normalization, ↑normalisation
Hyponyms: ↑equilibration

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stabilization or stabilisation /stab-, stāb-i-lī-zāˈshən, or -li-/ noun
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Main Entry:stable

Useful english dictionary. 2012.