
spurge family
a family of plants of order Geraniales
Syn: ↑Euphorbiaceae, ↑family Euphorbiaceae
Hypernyms: ↑rosid dicot family
Member Holonyms: ↑Geraniales, ↑order Geraniales
Member Meronyms:
Euphorbia, ↑genus Euphorbia, ↑Acalypha, ↑genus Acalypha, ↑genus Croton, ↑Codiaeum, ↑genus Codiaeum, ↑Mercurialis, ↑genus Mercurialis, ↑Ricinus, ↑genus Ricinus, ↑Cnidoscolus, ↑genus Cnidoscolus, ↑Jatropha, ↑genus Jatropha, ↑Hevea, ↑rubber tree, ↑genus Hevea, ↑Manihot, ↑genus Manihot, ↑Aleurites, ↑genus Aleurites, ↑Pedilanthus, ↑genus Pedilanthus, ↑Sebastiana, ↑genus Sebastiana

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: euphorbiaceae

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the large plant family Euphorbiaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees having milky juice, simple alternate leaves or no leaves, usually petalless flowers often with showy bracts, and capsular fruit, and including cassava, croton, crown-of-thorns, poinsettia, snow-on-the-mountain, spurge, and the plants that produce castor oil, rubber, and tung oil.

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spurge family,
a group of dicotyledonous herbs, shrubs, and trees, some of which are fleshy and have a milky juice. The family includes the spurge, croton, cassava, castor-oil plant, and candlenut.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.