
a burrowing toad of the northern hemisphere with a horny spade-like projection on each hind foot
Syn: ↑spadefoot toad
Hypernyms: ↑frog, ↑toad, ↑toad frog, ↑anuran, ↑batrachian, ↑salientian
Hyponyms: ↑western spadefoot, ↑Scaphiopus hammondii, ↑southern spadefoot, ↑Scaphiopus multiplicatus, ↑plains spadefoot, ↑Scaphiopus bombifrons
Member Holonyms: ↑Pelobatidae, ↑family Pelobatidae

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\\ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun or spadefoot toad (plural spadefoots or spadefoot toads)
: any of several burrowing toads of the family Pelobatidae in which the inner bone of the tarsus has a strong sharp-edged horny sheath with which they dig

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/spayd"foot'/, n., pl. spadefoots.
See spadefoot toad.
[1835-45; SPADE1 + FOOT]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.