
sorbic acid
a white crystalline carboxylic acid used as a preservative
Hypernyms: ↑carboxylic acid

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\\ˈsȯrbik-\ noun
Etymology: sorb (II) + -ic
: a crystalline diolefinic acid CH3(CH . CH)2COOH obtained from the unripe fruits of the mountain ash or made synthetically and used chiefly as a fungicide and food preservative and in the form of esters in improving drying oils

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/sawr"bik/, Chem.
a white, crystalline compound, C6H8O2, slightly soluble in water, soluble in many organic solvents: used as a preservative in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food.
[1805-15; SORB1 + -IC]

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sorbic acid noun
An acid obtained from the rowanberry, used in food preservation
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Main Entry:sorb

Useful english dictionary. 2012.