
deep-water wormlike mollusks lacking calcareous plates on the body but having fine slimy spicules on the covering mantle
Syn: ↑aplacophoran
Hypernyms: ↑gastropod, ↑univalve
Member Holonyms: ↑Solenogastres, ↑order Solenogastres, ↑Aplacophora, ↑order Aplacophora

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\\ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|gastə(r)\ noun (-s)
Etymology: New Latin Solenogastres
: aplacophoran

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/seuh lee"neuh gas'teuhr, -len"euh-/, n. Zool.
any of a group of wormlike mollusks, class Solenogastres (formerly Aplacophora), inhabiting deep ocean layers and having fine limy spicules on the covering mantle. Also called aplacophoran.
[ < NL, equiv. to soleno- (comb. form of Gk solén pipe, channel; see -O-) + -gaster < Gk gastér paunch, belly]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.