
soapberry family
chiefly tropical New and Old World deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs bearing leathery drupes with yellow translucent flesh; most plants produce toxic saponins
Syn: ↑Sapindaceae, ↑family Sapindaceae
Hypernyms: ↑dicot family, ↑magnoliopsid family
Member Holonyms: ↑Sapindales, ↑order Sapindales
Member Meronyms:
Dodonaea, ↑genus Dodonaea, ↑Sapindus, ↑genus Sapindus, ↑Blighia, ↑genus Blighia, ↑Cardiospermum, ↑genus Cardiospermum, ↑Dimocarpus, ↑genus Dimocarpus, ↑genus Harpullia, ↑genus Litchi, ↑Melicoccus, ↑genus Melicoccus, ↑Melicocca, ↑genus Melicocca, ↑Nephelium, ↑genus Nephelium

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: sapindaceae

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the plant family Sapindaceae, characterized by chiefly tropical trees, shrubs, or herbaceous vines having compound leaves, clustered flowers, and berrylike, fleshy, or capsular fruit, and including the balloon vine, golden rain tree, litchi, and soapberry.

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soapberry family,
a group of tropical, dicotyledonous trees and shrubs, with mostly alternate, pinnate leaves and small, odorless flowers. The family includes the soapberry, litchi, balloon vine, and inkwood.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.