
n. & v.
1 a trap for catching birds or animals, esp. with a noose of wire or cord.
2 a thing that acts as a temptation.
3 a device for tempting an enemy etc. to expose himself or herself to danger, failure, loss, capture, defeat, etc.
4 (in sing. or pl.) Mus. twisted strings of gut, hide, or wire stretched across the lower head of a side-drum to produce a rattling sound.
5 (in full snare drum) a drum fitted with snares.
6 Surgery a wire loop for extracting polyps etc.
1 catch (a bird etc.) in a snare.
2 ensnare; lure or trap (a person) with a snare.
snarer n. (also in comb.).
Etymology: OE sneare f. ON snara: senses 4 & 5 prob. f. MLG or MDu.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.