
slide rule
analog computer consisting of a handheld instrument used for rapid calculations; have been replaced by pocket calculators
Syn: ↑slipstick
Hypernyms: ↑analog computer, ↑analogue computer

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: an instrument consisting in its simple form of a ruler and a medial slide that are graduated with similar logarithmic scales labeled with the corresponding antilogarithms and used for rapid calculation

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a device for performing mathematical calculations, consisting essentially of a ruler having a sliding piece moving along it, both marked with graduated, usually logarithmic, scales: now largely replaced by the electronic calculator.
[1655-65 for earlier sense; 1875-80 for current sense]

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slide rule noun
A calculating device consisting of two logarithmic graduated scales sliding one against the other (also slidˈing-rule)
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Main Entry:slide

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slide rule UK US noun [countable] [singular slide rule plural slide rules]
a simple piece of equipment like a ruler with a piece in the middle that slides along, used for calculating
Thesaurus: instruments used in mathematics and geometryhyponym

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slide rule,
a rule with a sliding section in the center, both parts marked with logarithmic scales, used for making rapid mathematical calculations.

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n. a ruler with a sliding central strip, marked with logarithmic scales and used for making rapid calculations, esp. multiplication and division

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noun, pl ⋯ rules [count]
: an old-fashioned instrument that is like a ruler with a middle piece that slides back and forth and that is used to do calculations

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ˈslide rule [slide rule slide rules] noun
a long narrow instrument like a ruler, with a middle part that slides backwards and forwards, used for calculating numbers

Useful english dictionary. 2012.